Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Knots and Life

I received a great book for Christmas from my wife. You can see it posted here in this blog. It is the Ultimate Encyclopedia of Knots & Ropework, by Geoffrey Budworth.

I have always been intrigued by both knots and ropes. As a youngster in Boy Scouts, I fell in love with knots and how something so simple could suddenly become powerful and strong. Ropes do the work we cannot do, supplying the strength that comes from interweaving singular strands of fabric into one rope.
Both are necessary and are ever evolving as time goes on. Some styles are no longer used, while others remain constant year after year.

We can learn a lot about life by looking at rope and knots and how they work. Ropes are smaller cords bound together for a universal function. We see everyday applications of this in Families, Churches, Civic Organizations and Cities across our nation. Ropes are tied together using knots. Knots really serve only one purpose. To hold objects in one place so tightly that they cannot possibly come loose.

Here is how knots apply to everyday living. These knots work sometime securing objects as their purpose was intended. At other times, they slip, stretch or become weak. The control is lost.

 Life throws things at us. Sometime, we lose control too. What do we do then? Like so many before us, we have to tie a knot in that rope and hang on for dear life. The point is, we all have our ups and downs, good and bad times. But keep pressing on........ your time is coming.

The old adage says, "This too shall pass." When you're in the heat of life's battles it's sometimes hard to see your way. So if you can't see clearly... grasp that rope..... find or tie a knot in it and hang on! Help is on the way.

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