What is a view worth? Some say that the view is worth it all. Meanwhile, others could care less.
The old Cliche' says, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." If this is true, and we all know it is, then the view is worth exactly what you think it is worth. Any more would be to much and less would not be enough.
We all need that special place that just takes us away from the hustle and bustle of this world. The place where we rejuvenate. Where we come across that inner peace that helps us make sense of this over indulgent world we live in. It can come in the form of our home, a park bench, a quiet beach and a thousand other places. The key is finding that sanctuary and going there if only for a moment in time.
Jimmy Buffett is among my favorite musical artist. His unique gift is taking an audience to that special place. One such song is "One Particular Harbor" which talks about that place where we finally find that peace our soul is looking for. It could be found sitting on a mountaintop. Or as the song suggest, in a quiet little harbor.
Take time to find your harbor in this world. We all need them, that is for sure! Just maybe the peace we find there will transcend into a greater peace for this world. One without turmoil and strife. One without political rivals. One without fear. Now that is indeed a place I would like to go. Maybe you would like to come along for the ride. When people unite together, there is no limit to what we can accomplish.
What a view there is from Marker 22.
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